Sponsorship Tiers

Sponsor levels indicate financial contribution or in kind value of equipment or services provided and each sponsor level listed also includes previous sponsor level benefits.

Title Sponsor - $10,000 +

  • Title sponsor on website
  • Featured as title sponsor at any events (company provided handouts/merch/social media tag)
  • Logo added to website header and robot travel trailer

Platinum Sponsor - $7,500 - $9,999

  • Platinum sponsor on website
  • Featured at outreach events (company provided handouts/merch)
  • Logo added to yearly videos
  • Invited to yearly banquet

Gold Sponsor - $5,000 - $7,499

  • Gold sponsor on website
  • Demonstration/outreach at company facility
  • Logo added to robot
  • Custom team item added to “thank you” bag

Silver Sponsor - $2,500 - $4,999

  • Silver sponsor on website
  • Logo added to yearly banner

Bronze Sponsor - $1,000 - $2,499

  • Bronze sponsor on website
  • Logo added to yearly shirt
  • Thank you bag (includes: framed team picture, 3D printed robot, 5010 buttons)

Partner - $500 - $999

  • Partner on website 
  • Receive email newsletter